Kiyoshi WS .
Kiyoshi WS .
00 Review


EntertainmentLive Performers UniqueOtherProvided by Kiyoshi WS .Contact provider

Enjoy a fire and dance performance combined together to create “Kiki”...a fire show like no other with musicality that will get the crowd GOING! 🔥

Kiki FIRE-Dancing Performer

Videos and Sounds


-FIRE IS DANGEROUS! -Fire safety is very important for my service. It is very important that we, as both parties, keep each other updated about venue, security, hazards that the audience is completely safe! -communication is key

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    Event type

    • Weddings
    • Workshops
    • Company Events
    • Adult party
    • Corporate
    • Launch party
    • Outdoor

    Protect your booking

    Never pay for a booking outside of the Eventors website. Only bookings completed through the website will have access to secure payment, fraud safeguards, and cancellation protection.

    Starting price